Proximate, Mineral and Sensory Attributes of Moi-Moi and “Epiti” Wrapped with Different Local Leaves in Nigeria
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Published: 6 May 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The study assessed the proximate, mineral and sensory attributes of moi-moi and epiti wrapped with different leaves. Moi-moi and epiti were prepared and wrapped with three different leaves – uma or etere (Thaumatococcus danielli), plantain (Musa paradisiaca) and banana (Musa, sapientum). Standard methods of analysis were used to determine the proximate, mineral and sensory characteristics of the moi-moi and epiti samples wrapped with these leaves. The results showed that moi-moi samples were not significantly different (P<0.05) in their moisture (70.24-72.26%), ash (2.42-2.44%), fat (5.44-6.39%), protein (4.08 - 4.39%) and carbohydrate (13.28-14.50%) contents. Crude fibre differed significantly (P>0.05) and ranged from 2.08% to 2.61%. Epiti samples differed significantly (P>0.05) in moisture (49.02-62.70%), ash (1.60- 2.23%), fat (6.98 - 9.28%), and protein (2.81–4.15%) while crude fibre (1.32-1.54%) and carbohydrate (25.58-33.02%) were not significantly different (P<0.05). The mineral content differed significantly in moimoi and epiti samples for all the elements assessed. Moi-moi wrapped with plantain leave had the highest content of calcium (147.2mg) and iron (58.90mg) while moi-moi wrapped with banana leave had the highest content of potassium (734.53mg), magnesium (82.83mg), sodium (1623.90mg) and phosphorus (0.80mg). Epiti wrapped with plantain leave had the highest calcium (304.63mg) content while epiti wrapped with banana leave had the highest content of potassium (1746.82mg), magnesium (324.40mg), sodium (2088.30mg), Iron (3.05mg) and phosphorus (1.50mg). The sensory scores showed no significant difference (P<0.05) in all attributes assessed for the moi-moi and epiti samples. The differences in the mineral content of the moi-moi and epiti samples infer that the different leaves had varying effect on the mineral content of the samples. Plantain and banana leaves wrapped moi-moi and epiti had higher content of most of the minerals assessed than uma leave.
Keywords: Nutrient, leaves, wrapping, moi-moi, epiti.

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How to Cite
Beleya, E. A, Eke-Ejiofor, J. (2020-05-06). "Proximate, Mineral and Sensory Attributes of Moi-Moi and “Epiti” Wrapped with Different Local Leaves in Nigeria." *Volume 4*, 2, 13-19