Comparative Assessment of the Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acid Profile OF Fluted Pumpkin Seed Oil with Some Commercial Vegetable Oils in Rivers State, Nigeria

Author Details

Chibor Bariwere Samue, Kiin-Kabari David Barine, Eke-Ejiofor Joy

Journal Details


Published: 9 May 2018 | Article Type :


The objective of this work was to assess the physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) seed oil and compare with some commercial seed oils (refined palm kernel oil, Grand soya oil and groundnut oil) sold in Rivers State, Nigeria. Edible oils were extracted from the seed of fluted pumpkin. The oils were analysed for chemical composition, physical properties, and fatty acid profile.Percentage moisture impurities and volatile matters (MIV) ranged from 0.065% - 0.095%, with fluted pumpkin seed oil given the least value of 0.065%.There was no significant difference (P<0.05) between the specific gravity of fluted pumpkin seed oil and those of the commercial vegetable oils (at 300C).The cloud and slip melting points of fluted pumpkin seed oil (FPSO) and Grand soya oil were significantly lower than those of the unbranded commercial vegetable oils. The smoke and flash points of FPSO were 244.500C and 299.000C, respectively. All the oil samples had colour within the standard acceptable range for refined vegetable oil. The free fatty acids, acid value and peroxide value of FPSO were 0.040%, 0.080% and 1.070mEq/kg, respectively, these values were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of groundnut oil and refined palm kernel oil (RPKO), but not significantly different from Grand soya oil.Iodine values for FPSO, Grand soya oil, groundnut oil and RPKO were respectively 119.85g/100g, 128.10g/100g, 90.25g/100g and 20.05g/100g. The total unsaturated fatty acids in FPSO was 80.1%, with 62.4% linoleic acid (omega-6). Grand soya oil, groundnut oil and RPKO gave total unsaturated fatty acid values of 86%, 83.5% and 18.5%, respectively. Fluted pumpkin seed oil and Grand soya oil were richer in polyunsaturated fatty acids than groundnut and palm kernel oils. The physicochemical properties of fluted pumpkin seed oil meet the recommended FAO standard, compares favourably with the branded Grand soya oil, and performs better than unbranded groundnut and palm kernel oils.

Keywords: Physicochemical, Fatty Acid Profile, Fluted Pumpkin, Commercial Vegetable Oils.

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How to Cite


Chibor Bariwere Samue, Kiin-Kabari David Barine, Eke-Ejiofor Joy. (2018-05-09). "Comparative Assessment of the Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acid Profile OF Fluted Pumpkin Seed Oil with Some Commercial Vegetable Oils in Rivers State, Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 2, 32-40