Evaluation of Parental Involvement in the Families in Transformation (FIT) Weight Management Program for Children
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Published: 26 April 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate parent involvement in the Families in Transformation (FIT), for children and their parents/caregivers. Eighteen children and their families participated in the 8- weeknutrition education and physical activity program conducted by Health Works! health education and fitness center. Mean age of the children was 10.52 ± 1.26 years, with 9 males and 9 females. Fifty-six percent of the children were white, 25% were black, and 19% identified as multiracial. Nutrition and fitness knowledge, health habit survey, and food frequency data was collected for children and parents/caregivers. A satisfaction survey for parents was administered the past night of the program. Chi square analysis revealed modest improvements in several of the parents’ health habits, and both parents and children improved scores on the pre- and post- nutrition and fitness knowledge quiz. Correlation coefficients on the mean food frequency responses versus weeks in the program revealed modest improvements in the children’ eating habits, but not for parents. Results for the parent satisfaction survey were almost universally positive. Family wellness interventions offering nutrition education and physical activity for the whole family may lead to more positive outcomes than programs focused solely on children.
Keywords: education, parental involvement, health education, fitness.

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How to Cite
Kathy B. Knight, Heather Walker, Anne K. Bomba, Sydney A. Devers, Meagan Maloney, Kathy Tucker. (2018-04-26). "Evaluation of Parental Involvement in the Families in Transformation (FIT) Weight Management Program for Children." *Volume 2*, 2, 23-31