Knowledge of Breast Self-Examination Among LHVs and Female Nursing Students of KP
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Published: 23 April 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: BSE is cheap and non-invasive method of breast cancer detection. Breast cancer is most common cause of death in women worldwide. Early diagnosis can lead to effective treatment and improves the quality of life.
Objective: This study was performed with aim to determine the knowledge of LHVs and undergraduate female students of BSN regarding Breast Self-Examination.
Method: This is cross sectional study, was performed on 58 LHVs and undergraduates students of BSN of RCN, PHI and RTI. Data was collected by using a self-adopted questionnaire and was analyzed by SPSS software (version 22).
Results: Among 58 students, (53.4%) participants have good knowledge, 44.8% have excellent knowledge and 1.7% have poor knowledge. (51) 87.9% were practicing BSE, (2)3.4% were not practiced it and the remaining 8.60% were missing. There is no significant association between variables. There is a good breast self-examination awareness in students.
Conclusion: BSE is cheap and noninvasive tool to identify any abnormality in breast and also help to detect early sign of breast cancer. Teaching nursing students regarding BSE helps them to receive gain more knowledge and to disseminate the information in community in future.

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How to Cite
Aurang Zeb, Humera Naz, Nadim Khan, Tariq Aziz, Arifa Siddique. (2019-04-23). "Knowledge of Breast Self-Examination Among LHVs and Female Nursing Students of KP." *Volume 2*, 1, 34-38