Effectiveness of Utilizing the Media Health Coverage for Health Education in an Internally Displaced Peoples IDP/Camp in Boqolka Bush in Bosaso District Puntland Somalia

Author Details

Dr. Abdulkadir Abdullahi Yusuf, Regidor-111 Dioso

Journal Details


Published: 22 March 2019 | Article Type :


Background: Poor health education awareness among the host community living in Bossaso city of Punt land Somalia lasted 30 years since the central government of Somalia has been destroyed in civil war in 1998 Generally, this study deems to identify the effectiveness of utilizing the media health coverage in an IDP camp in Bosasso.

Methods: conducted from March to June 2018 a quantitative descriptive cross sectional study is more appropriate used. A mathematical approach may express the results of this study more appropriately (Burns and Grove, 2010).

Findings: This study proposes to solve low coverage of mass media communication in host community living in Bossaso district. Health education through media health coverage is a profession of educating people about health in radio because (mean, 16, SD, 16, P, 0.63) Utilization of Mathers in 100ka bush 37% in radio routine access in their home at least 2 hours in health information management system of minister of Puntland should be enhanced health education of IDPS/CAMPS in Bosaso how to avoid communicable disease control during pregnancy related issues or malaria diseases.

Conclusion: Mass media communication one of the Most important tool in health education utilization of radio is higher than other media as we get information because the majority of respondents do not have access internet due to low social status of the respondents they utilize radio from local news from the government of Puntland or minister of health utilize the awareness of population living in Puntland Somalia were female 97%rather than the males meanwhile young Mathers utilize the service of health center in 100 ka bush were married 77.5% and single Mather was 22.5%.

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How to Cite


Dr. Abdulkadir Abdullahi Yusuf, Regidor-111 Dioso. (2019-03-22). "Effectiveness of Utilizing the Media Health Coverage for Health Education in an Internally Displaced Peoples IDP/Camp in Boqolka Bush in Bosaso District Puntland Somalia." *Volume 2*, 1, 14-22