Teamwork in Family Health in the South of Brazil as a Factor for Pleasure and Coping with Suffering

Author Details

Cecilia Helena Glanzner, Agnes Olschowsky, Kamille Kotekewis

Journal Details


Published: 13 June 2018 | Article Type :


Aim: The aim of this article is to analyze the teamwork carried out by workers of family health (FH) teams in Porto Alegre as a factor for pleasure and coping with suffering.

Method: This was a qualitative study using the theoretical framework of Work Psychodynamics, in which 68 workers from 3 FH teams from Porto Alegre, Brazil participated.The information collection was carried out through observation and collective interviews that occurred from October to December of 2012. The content analysis method was used for the analysis.

Results: The FH team workers studied reported that the teamwork was pleasing, as they identified feelings of satisfaction in the work relationships.This feeling of well-being was perceived through the conviviality, bond and good relationshipsamong the professionals of the team.Conversely, when there was no dialogue between the prescribed work and the professionals with their subjective and creative potential in the construction of the work, this caused suffering.

Conclusions: It was concluded that the workers of the FH teams considered the teamwork to be a source of pleasure in the work, which gave them identity, uniting them and functioning as the sustainability in the face of difficulties. It also strengthened them as a team and produced exchanges and trustworthiness among the peers, intervening positively for the health of the worker.

Keywords: Family Health; Worker Health; Patient Care Group; Job Satisfaction.

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How to Cite


Cecilia Helena Glanzner, Agnes Olschowsky, Kamille Kotekewis. (2018-06-13). "Teamwork in Family Health in the South of Brazil as a Factor for Pleasure and Coping with Suffering." *Volume 1*, 1, 12-17