Impact of Graphic Design on Environment: A Socio-Artistic Appraisal

Author Details

Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi

Journal Details


Published: 20 December 2019 | Article Type :


The paper explores how the environment is under multiple threats. The increasing built-cities, increasing population, industrialization, increasing pollution, waste, increasing consumption, and many other factors are affecting the environment from all corners and dimensions. Various means need to be adopted to create a healthy environment. Graphic design plays a determining role to improve the environment, and in such a process the youths are highly concerned. The present paper appraises the attitudes of the youths towards a healthy environment--providing solutions for the problems emerged out of the form, function, usability etc. Graphic design practice is widely in association with the environmental protection and safety. The method of research used in the current paper is a dual type of qualitative and quantitative. In conclusion, the research reaches the result that the youths are mutually affected by the environment and affect the environment as well. Graphic design also achieves and impacts the outdoor public areas in environmental, social and behavioral terms.

Keywords: Environment. Pollution, Industrialization, Graphic design, increasing consumption

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How to Cite


Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi. (2019-12-20). "Impact of Graphic Design on Environment: A Socio-Artistic Appraisal." *Volume 2*, 4, 20-28