Influence of Kadambari Devi in Rabindranath Tagore’s Paintings

Author Details

Disha Mondal

Journal Details


Published: 11 September 2019 | Article Type :


Rabindranath Tagore began painting relatively late in his career when he was in his sixties. Nevertheless he produced thousands of works and was the first Indian artist to exhibit his works across Europe, Russia and the United States in 1930. His painting style was very individual, characterized by simple bold forms and a rhythmic quality, and later served to inspire many modern Indian artists. Tagore painted landscapes, animal figures and human faces. The human faces are a prominent constant in his artistic works. His painted faces depict various moods: fear, romantic, melancholy and many more to say. This paper intends to analyse who were these women who inspired Tagore to produce such paintings.

Key Words: women, veil, darkness, emotion

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How to Cite


Disha Mondal. (2019-09-11). "Influence of Kadambari Devi in Rabindranath Tagore’s Paintings." *Volume 2*, 3, 10-12