Armenia is the World Leader in Development and Extensive Application of Low-Cost Seismic Isolation For Construction of New and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings

Author Details

Mikayel G. Melkumyan*

Journal Details


Published: 24 August 2020 | Article Type :


The paper provides a clear picture on how and why the seismic isolation technologies created/invented by the author bring Armenia, the developing and once a low-income country, to a leading position in the world in the application of low-cost seismic isolation. The first implementation of seismic isolation in the country started in 1994. Since then, every year more than two seismic (base or roof) isolated buildings in average were constructed/retrofitted in Armenia. Consequently, considerable number of real applications of the technology took place in the country where seismic isolation of the buildings proved to be cost-effective and affordable with a reduced construction cost. The paper illustrates seismic isolated newly constructed and retrofitted buildings and explains the reasons behind significant savings in consumption of concrete and steel and in the related cost of construction of various buildings due to implementation of the developed by the author seismic isolation strategies. It also emphasizes that the cost of seismic isolation laminated rubber-steel bearings (SILRSBs) manufactured in Armenia is noticeably lower than of the bearings manufactured elsewhere in the world. The paper states that the provisions of the progressive Armenian Seismic Code (Chapter 10 “Buildings and Structures with Seismic Isolation Systems” written by the author of this paper) substantially contribute to the design and construction of low-cost seismic isolated buildings.

Keywords: seismic (base and roof) isolation, extensive experience, structural concepts, load-bearing systems, low-cost technologies, reduced consumption of construction materials, comparative analyses.

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How to Cite


Mikayel G. Melkumyan*. (2020-08-24). "Armenia is the World Leader in Development and Extensive Application of Low-Cost Seismic Isolation For Construction of New and Retrofitting of Existing Buildings." *Volume 3*, 3, 43-60