Numerical Simulation from Deterministic Model to Predict Various Grades of Normal and High Compressive Strength of Concrete

Author Details

Eluozo, S.N. Dimkpa .K

Journal Details


Published: 12 July 2019 | Article Type :


The study monitored the compressive strength of concrete at different curing age applying numerical simulation from deterministic model. The grade of concrete considered in the system are from normal to high strength concrete, the study observed the growth rate to the optimum rate at ninety days, the growth rate of compressive strength generated at every twenty four hours were monitored, these express the efficiency of the mix design model for concrete grades, the efficiency of the additive’s in mixed design for high strength concrete were experienced, linearization observed from the graphical representation shows the addictive express effectiveness for fast growth of compressive strength to carry any design of an imposed load, the study shows the behavior of additive’s and normal strength concrete based on their designed model grades, the derived solution were subjected to simulation, numerical simulation were applied to monitor the compressive strength at every twenty four hours to ninety day of curing age, the predictive values were compared with experimental parameters, and both values generated close fit correlation, the study has express analytical solution that can predict such non homogeneous material of any mix design of concrete grades.

Keywords: numerical simulation, deterministic model compressive strength.

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How to Cite


Eluozo, S.N. Dimkpa .K. (2019-07-12). "Numerical Simulation from Deterministic Model to Predict Various Grades of Normal and High Compressive Strength of Concrete." *Volume 2*, 3, 7-26