Development of Mathematical Model to Predict Concrete Density with Slight Modification with Ordinary Portland cement

Author Details

Eluozo, S.N. and Dimkpa.K

Journal Details


Published: 21 May 2019 | Article Type :


This paper monitor the variation of concrete densities with slight modifiers, the study express different growth rate of concrete density at different curing age, fluctuation and linear trend were observed in all the figures from its graphical representations, this express the effect from the variation of mechanical properties, such significant effect on the density of concrete were observed from the study through the behavior of concrete densities growth at various trend, the variation of dense in the growth rate were monitored from the developed model and simulations, the effect from porosity and void ratio including permeability at different mixed deigned were observed from the growth rate, the study applying deterministic techniques for such non homogeneous system establish various direction in the derived solution that cause the variation of concrete material in the study. Validations of the model were carried out to determine the efficiency of this concept in monitoring concrete densities with slight modifications.

Keywords: mathematical model, concrete density, slight modification, and ordinary Portland cement.

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How to Cite


Eluozo, S.N. and Dimkpa.K. (2019-05-21). "Development of Mathematical Model to Predict Concrete Density with Slight Modification with Ordinary Portland cement." *Volume 2*, 2, 30-37