Architectural Design and Its Problems in Batisehir as a Collective Housing Project

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Songul Sola, CandanCinar Citak

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Published: 2 April 2019 | Article Type :


Designing mass housing projects which is prestigious in new settlement areas where the planning phase cannot be fully concluded; without feasibility studies on the current situation of transportation and social structure, causes the architectural design process to be arduous. So, planning and design problems cause multidimensional problems at the same time. In such areas where the current market value of the land is very high; the purpose of the utilization of the construction area to the end of the rights is acquired. This results in the production of multi-storey, high and close massive blocks, which are poor at the point of physical environmental conditions and architectural design criteria are inadequate. In order to start the construction of such public projects, which were started within the scope of special conditional zoning permits in Turkey, they are only licensed with architectural preliminary projects. Since the static, electrical and mechanical projects which should be carried out together with the architectural project are far behind the required point, especially in the construction process, the decisions that are made on the outside of the project in relation to the installation are made. This causes disruption of work programs, resulting in manufacturing faults. Due to the fear of being behind the workflow, the project team is faced with poor quality workmanship due to lack of sufficient time. Collective housing projects, as in the case of Batisehir, face these problems continuously. In this study, focused on the problems caused by not coordinated project and design process. It is necessary to introduce evaluation and solution proposals on the application deficiencies seen in place and to integrate the changes seen in other projects, especially in the architectural project, to the system and work program. The problems of starting a project-design phase without developing all the solutions for the planning phase are evaluated.

Keywords: Batisehir, architectural design, collective housing, social infrastructure.

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How to Cite


Songul Sola, CandanCinar Citak. (2019-04-02). "Architectural Design and Its Problems in Batisehir as a Collective Housing Project." *Volume 2*, 2, 1-8