Modeling Flexural Strength of Concrete Pavement Modified With Silica Influenced By Variation Water Cement Ratios
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Published: 7 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
This paper applied deterministic model to monitor the flexural strength of concrete pavement influenced by variations of water cement ratios, the study try to express the influences from water cement ratios on flexural strength of concrete pavement, flexural strength of concrete pavement were observed to experiences linear trend to the optimum values recorded at ninety days of curing age, the study observed from the results are from uniformity of aggregates that developed strong concrete bond, the decrease in void ratios and water absorption are reflected on the flexural strength that express the growth rate on concrete pavement, decrease in flexural strength are based on increase in water cement ratios as reflected on the generated predictive parameters, it is observed from the study that the variations of water cement ratios from [0.23- 0.40] generated flexural strength that are still within the required specification for concrete pavement. The derived model were subjected to simulation that developed these parameters, the predictive values reflected different flexural strength base on variation of water cement ratios, validation of the predictive values from simulation are with experimental values, it developed best fits correlations, the study has detailed the significant role of water cement ratios on flexural strength of concrete pavement, the effect on flexural strength in terms of concrete bond through it type of crack has been observed from the study.
Keywords: modeling flexural strength, pavement silica and water cement ratios.

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How to Cite
Eluozo S.N, Nwaobakata C. (2019-03-07). "Modeling Flexural Strength of Concrete Pavement Modified With Silica Influenced By Variation Water Cement Ratios." *Volume 2*, 1, 46-52