Live Old Age with Serenity, in Good Health

Author Details

Lydia Ferrara

Journal Details


Published: 4 August 2020 | Article Type :


Advances in medicine and lifestyle changes have had positive effects on the life expectancy of the population, therefore it is important to achieve healthy aging by reducing the risk factors that cause agerelated damage and diseases. With a healthy diet we are able to modify these factors by modulating the intestinal microbiota. A diet rich in antioxidants, fiber, minerals and low in fat, provides beneficial effects on the body by interacting with intestinal bacteria and contributing to the maintenance of good health, moreover, with the prevention of age-related diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Keywords: Old age, nutritional factor, foods, interaction food and drugs.

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How to Cite


Lydia Ferrara. (2020-08-04). "Live Old Age with Serenity, in Good Health." *Volume 4*, 3, 21-32