Egg Production and Egg Quality Traits of Local and Exotic Chicken Breeds Reared in Two Agroecologies under Traditional Management System

Author Details

Serkalem Assefa, Aberra Melesse, Sandip Banerjee

Journal Details


Published: 25 February 2019 | Article Type :


This study was conducted to assess egg production and egg quality traits of exotic breeds (Bovans brown, Koekoeck and Sasso) and local chickens reared in two agroecologies under traditional management system. For the assessment of the egg production traits, 200 households were randomly selected from lowland and midland agroecologies. The egg quality traits were assessed from local and exotic chickens reared by the households in both agroecologies. The results indicated that the number of eggs per hen per year was 49.1, 134, 117, and 138 for local, Sasso, Bovans and Koekoeck breeds, respectively. The Sasso breed reared in the lowland produced the highest egg number followed by Bovans being higher (p<0.05) than Koekeock and local chickens. The egg weight and yolk index values for Sasso breed reared in the lowland agroecology were higher (p<0.05) than those of other chicken breeds. Koekoeck and Sasso chicken breeds reared in midland had higher (p<0.05) shape index and shell thickness values than those of the lowland. All chicken breeds raised in the lowland were superior (p<0.05) in all external egg quality traits than those of the midland. All internal egg quality traits of Koekoeck chickens reared in the midland agroecology were superior to those of lowland. In conclusion, the Sasso chickens in the lowland agroecology were superior in most performance traits. Koekoeck hens in the midland agroecology were better in most internal egg quality traits. It is thus recommended to rear the Sasso breeds in the lowland agroecology while the Koekoeck in the midland for enhanced productivity. 

Keywords: Bovans brown chicken; Koekoeck chicken; Sasso chicken; local chicken; agroecology; egg quality.

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How to Cite


Serkalem Assefa, Aberra Melesse, Sandip Banerjee. (2019-02-25). "Egg Production and Egg Quality Traits of Local and Exotic Chicken Breeds Reared in Two Agroecologies under Traditional Management System." *Volume 3*, 1, 11-17