An Article Processing Charge (APC) is a fee that is charged to authors, or their institutions or funders, to cover the costs of publishing an article in an open access journal. Sryahwa Publications requires authors to pay an APC for the publication of their articles. The APC covers the costs of peer-review, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving, and providing online access to the articles.
The APC for publishing in the Archives of Urology is 899 USD per manuscript.
Note: Please note that authors are also responsible for paying any transaction charges that may be incurred, such as inter-banking charges or wire transfer fees.
Refund Policy:
Sryahwa Publications has a clear policy regarding refunds for Article Processing Charge (APC). Once an article has been accepted and published, the APC paid by the author cannot be refunded. This means that once the payment has been made and the article has been made available to the public, the author will not be able to receive a refund for the APC.
Waiver Policy:
Sryahwa Publications understands that not all authors have the financial resources to pay the article processing charge (APC) and therefore have a transparent waiver policy in place. The policy is designed to support authors who are unable to meet the costs of publishing open access. The publisher will consider waivers and discounts on a case-by-case basis for authors from low-income countries as defined by the World Bank and for those who have completed their research without any external financial support. The goal is to ensure that the APC will never be a barrier to publishing and that authors can publish in any open access journal, regardless of their economic status.
For more information, authors can contact Sryahwa Publications at: [email protected]