Avian Diversity and Abundance in Baturiya Wetland Hadejia, North Western Nigeria

Author Details

Adeiza, Z.O, Zakari, H.H

Journal Details


Published: 16 September 2020 | Article Type :


Wetlands are important water filters provide habitats for large number of fauna and flora. The study was aimed to investigate the abundance and diversity of wetland birds at Baturiya wetlands Hadejia, North western Nigeria (Long 100 10ꞌ and 100 35ꞌ N and Lat 120 35ꞌ and 120 57ꞌ E). The study involved recording birds at predefined wetlands within the study area. The result showed that a total of 89 bird species belonging to 48 families were recorded in the study. As a wetland habitat, the Ardeidae family is the largest with 6 species, followed by Accipitridae with 5 species then Ploceidae, Columbidae and Rallidae with 4 species each. The available data showed that insectivorous species has the highest frequency in the study area with 28 species which accounted for 31.6% prevalence, followed by and carnivorous 24 species, omnivores 15 species, granivores 16 species while the least in number were nectarivores and frugivores with 3 and 5 species respectively. It is concluded that Baturiya wetlandis of significant ecological value as a home to many water-birds and terrestrial bird species, and also serves as a staging and wintering ground for a number of Palaerctic migrants.

Keywords: Avian diversity, baturiya, birds, ecosystem, wetland.

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How to Cite


Adeiza, Z.O, Zakari, H.H. (2020-09-16). "Avian Diversity and Abundance in Baturiya Wetland Hadejia, North Western Nigeria." *Volume 3*, 3, 43-49