The Relationship between Cultural Dimensions and Employee Commitment in Vietnamese Social Service Provides

Author Details

Dr.Trinh Le Tan

Journal Details


Published: 5 July 2018 | Article Type :


Employee retention has been becoming an area of growing concern in numerous Vietnamese Social Service Providers (VSSPs). There is some evidence that qualified employees often leave these organisations because - among others - they do not really feel any sense of achievement in their work. The purpose of the current research is to combat this sense of a lack of achievement and hence, solving the above problem by investigating, and critiquing the organisational culture and its corresponding cultural dimensions, namely communication, training and development, rewards and recognition, effective decision making, risk-taking for creativity and innovation, proactive planning, teamwork and fairness and consistency in management practices. Our findings demonstrate that there is a positive relationship between the cultural dimensions and employee’s commitment to VSSPs. The authors also highlight risk- taking for creativity and innovation and proactive planning as the most important determinants to help and hinder the organisations in retaining their most productive employees.

Keywords: organisational culture, organisational commitment, Vietnamese Social Service Provider.

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How to Cite


Dr.Trinh Le Tan. (2018-07-05). "The Relationship between Cultural Dimensions and Employee Commitment in Vietnamese Social Service Provides." *Volume 1*, 2, 1-10