Weight Control Trend Analysis and Progressive Behavior Modification of A T2D Patient Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 307)
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Published: 9 September 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
In this article, the author used 10-years’ worth of data of glucoses and prominent lifestyle details such as diet and exercise to address weight reduction trend pattern and his progressive lifestyle behavior modifications. The research methodology used is the GH-Method: math-physical medicine (MPM) approach which has been developed by the author over the past decade. This “Progressive Behavior Modification” concept is also a part of his Mentality-Personality Modeling (MPM). He addresses the quantitative linkage between obesity physiological phenomena and behavior psychological influences of an obese patient.
He has created a geometric presentation model with the meal portion percentage as the x-axis, daily walking steps as the y-axis, and daily weight as the z-axis (Figure 2). He decided to “fold over” the z-axis and superimpose it with the x-y planar space in a form of “radio wave” format. Under this created 3D presentation on a 2D planar space, the weight reduction trend pattern becomes ultra-clear. Over the past 10-years, the path of his annual weight movement started from the upper right corner (subregion E5 in 2010), moving with ~45 degree downward angle before arriving to the near upper middle portion (subregion D4 in 2013), and then continuously dropping to the lower middle location (subregion C1 in 2018).
In summary, his body weight moving path is a 45-degree downward angle to the left and then straight down to the bottom. His annualized average daily weight has been reduced from the starting point of 220 lbs. in 2010 through the “reflection point” of 183 lbs. in 2013, and then straight down to the ending point of 171-173 lbs. in 2018-2020. The triangular relationship among diet, exercise, and daily weight can be easily observed on this “weight reduction trend pattern” diagram (Figure 2).
Through analyzing those distinctive daily glucose trend patterns, the personality traits and behavior psychological characteristics of this T2D patient can be revealed instantly and clearly. As a result, a more practical guidance of “progressive behavior modification” can be provided to other T2D patients in order to improve their medical conditions for chronic diseases, where some are caused by obesity.

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How to Cite
Gerald C. Hsu. (2020-09-09). "Weight Control Trend Analysis and Progressive Behavior Modification of A T2D Patient Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 307)." *Volume 3*, 2, 50-57