Estimation of Metabolism Index and Effective Health Age Using a Simple APP Tool on the iPhone for Chronic Disease Control and Overall Health Maintenance (GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine No. 292)
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Published: 23 July 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The author developed a simple APP (application software) on the iPhone for chronic disease control, overall health maintenance, and longevity for users, with and without chronic disease. Using data from four key medical conditions based on health examination reports, and six lifestyle details of estimated input by the user, this tool can instantly provide both metabolism index (MI) score and effective health age.
The author has developed this APP based on his previous research results from 2014 (see references). The MI data allowed him to publish a paper on geriatrics (No. 223) regarding effective health age; and paper No. 286 regarding his inception of modeling and product design of this simplified tool.
This article describes his design of a simple tool utilizing sample data from the author and another patient to calculate their MI scores and effective health ages. The difference between their effective health age and biological real age are -9 years for the author (Case A) and +4 years for the patient (Case B) in 2020.
This tool can be used by people with and without chronic diseases. Metabolism is the fundamental building block for diabetes control, health maintenance, and longevity. Although this tool may provide a slightly lower degree of accuracy (98.4%), it is still based on solid scientific foundation and biomedical evidence that can serve as a useful APP for the general population’s health maintenance. It should be pointed out that the author has inserted an amplification factor inside his calculation of effective health age for raising the users’ awareness of metabolism importance on their longevity.

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How to Cite
Gerald C. Hsu. (2020-07-23). "Estimation of Metabolism Index and Effective Health Age Using a Simple APP Tool on the iPhone for Chronic Disease Control and Overall Health Maintenance (GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine No. 292)." *Volume 3*, 2, 34-41