Burnout Syndrome, Anxiety& Stress Burden among Employees in Greek Banks

Author Details

Dr. John Mylonakis, Dr. Vassilis Orfanos, Dr. Michalis Evripiotis

Journal Details


Published: 5 September 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


Burnout, anxiety & stress among bank employees are considered the most important factors in the smooth operation of a banking institution.For this reason, they are investigated in the context of organizational psychology and behavior since they are linked to various effects of both individual employees’ performance and banking institutions results.Therefore, it is of great interest to test burnout syndrome and its consequences in the current difficult environment of the Greek banking system, which in recent years and mainly due to the economic crisis, has shrunk significantly.The main conclusion of the research is that employees in the Greek banking sector show moderate to high levels of burnout and that they are also moderately satisfied with their work, with a strong negative relationship between these two variables.Women seem to experience burnout more strongly, while there does not seem to be a difference between the categories of age groups, marital status, number of children, level of education, years of service and hierarchical levels in terms of the degree of burnout.

Keywords: Banking Sector, Burnout, Occupational Exhaustion, Bank Employees, Work.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Dr. John Mylonakis, Dr. Vassilis Orfanos, Dr. Michalis Evripiotis. (2024-09-05). "Burnout Syndrome, Anxiety& Stress Burden among Employees in Greek Banks." *Volume 5*, 1, 18-28