Sustainability Alternative Strategy: Volcanic Activity in the Tourist Destination of Ijen Crater

Author Details

Suwignyo Widagdo, Dedy Wijaya Kusuma, Muhaimin Dimyati, Andarula Galushasti

Journal Details


Published: 11 December 2023 | Article Type : Research Article


This study discusses the development of the Ijen Crater sustainable area. Ijen Crater is always under monitoring for increased volcanic activity by the volcanology center. If this happens, then Ijen Crater is prohibited from being visited by tourists who want to do climbing activities for their safety. Based on this phenomenon, a strategy is needed to create new alternative tourist activities so that tourists can still enjoy their tourism without climbing Ijen Crater. It is essential to analyze all the potential in the Ijen Crater area using indicators of the concept of special interest tourism. Several potentials are found, grouped into natural, artificial, and cultural potential. The findings of this study were used to identify some engaging particular interest tourism activities that can be applied in the Ijen Crater area as significant tourist attractions. Programs and stages of development need to be designed using the three main steps that must be done. This stage of development is expected to accelerate the development of the Ijen Crater area and make it a quality tourist destination in Indonesia.

Keywords: Tourism Development, Tourism Destination, Tourist Attractions, Sustainable Area, Ijen Crater.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Suwignyo Widagdo, Dedy Wijaya Kusuma, Muhaimin Dimyati, Andarula Galushasti. (2023-12-11). "Sustainability Alternative Strategy: Volcanic Activity in the Tourist Destination of Ijen Crater." *Volume 4*, 1, 12-22