Reduction of Surgical Setup in University Hospital with Implementation of Quick Tool Exchange as an Improvement for Patient Safety

Author Details

Rosane da Silva Veiga Pirovano, Flavio Fogliatto, Daniela Silva dos Santos Schneider, Cecilia Helena Glanzner

Journal Details


Published: 16 January 2019 | Article Type :


Introduction: Patient safety in the surgical environment is a worldwide concern, therefore, improvements in management efficiency and excellence in the quality of services provided in the surgical center are sought.

Aim: To analyze the implementation of the Rapid Tool Exchange (TRF) methodology to reduce surgical setup in a university hospital through the improvement of patient safety.

Methodology: This was a descriptive crosssectional study conducted between June and December 2015, in which the TRF methodology was implemented based on the lean concept, with adaptation to 13 rooms of a surgical suite of a university hospital in Porto Alegre in five surgical specialties. Project was approved by the institution’s Ethics Committee.

Results: In all the surgical specialties analyzed, there was a reduction in surgical setup time, with a maximum decrease of eight minutes.

Conclusions: The implantation of TRF made it possible to reduce the surgical set-up by validating the times to create a performance indicator, promoting improvements in room utilization rates, optimizing the protocol for safe surgery and promoting quality care. 

Keywords: Surgical Centers; Perioperative Nursing; Patient safety; Surgical rooms; Organization and Administration.





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How to Cite


Rosane da Silva Veiga Pirovano, Flavio Fogliatto, Daniela Silva dos Santos Schneider, Cecilia Helena Glanzner. (2019-01-16). "Reduction of Surgical Setup in University Hospital with Implementation of Quick Tool Exchange as an Improvement for Patient Safety." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-10