Sarah’s גרש (gāreš) and Abraham’s שלח (šellach) of Hagar: Expulsion or Apostolic Mission?

Author Details

Metin Teke

Journal Details


Published: 8 April 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


Abraham’s sending forth of Hagar and Ishmael in Gen 21:14 has generally been viewed as an expulsion. It is held that the primary, if not sole, purpose behind this act was to prevent Ishmael from interfering with Isaac’s inheritance. Using an intertextual approach, with an emphasis on key words, Sarah’s גרש
(gāreš) demand and Abraham’s שלח (šellach) of Hagar is compared with the narratives of the children of Israel, Jesus, and Adam to uncover objectives as the bestowal of freedom and a mission. An examination of how the LXX translates, and Josephus explains, Sarah and Abraham’s “send-off” of Hagar suggests a mission objective behind their intentions. Abraham’s motivations are analyzed to ascertain whether Hagar’s “send-off” was part of a plan to expand the reach of Abraham and Sarah’s faith-based operations. Finally, linguistic analysis is undertaken to discover possible motives for why Sarah chose Hagar to have a son. These approaches to the biblical story bring into focus a portrait that is radically different from the standard interpretation where there are multiple objectives of Hagar and Ishmael’s being sent into the wilderness primary among them being expanding Abraham and Sarah’s faith-based mission.

Keywords: Hagar, Sarah, Abraham, expulsion, Israel, Jesus, Adam.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Metin Teke. (2024-04-08). "Sarah’s גרש (gāreš) and Abraham’s שלח (šellach) of Hagar: Expulsion or Apostolic Mission?." *Volume 6*, 1, 1-39