A Cross-Cultural Study on the Dignity of 'Wisdom' In Ancient Persia and Greece

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Dr. Sohrab Bargivand and Dr. Mohammad Reza Afroogh

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Published: 7 February 2019 | Article Type :


The fact is that in all the beliefs of the world, wisdom has been praised for too long. A glance at the mythological data of the cultures at the same time leads us to the worshipers of their wisdom. But there is a clear difference between the symbol of the Zoroastrian culture in Ancient Iran and the worship of the wisdom of other lands. In those cultures there is also a worthwhile place for the gods of wisdom in the collection of the gods, but never their great god is God himself. While the teacher of our ancient culture, through the moral, social and spiritual symbols of the society of those times, chooses the symbol of reason for the greatness of his head, and calls his great creator Aura Mazda, the knowledge server, The great wise, who creates all the creatures with his knowledge and skill, will do. In this article, we will look at the place of wisdom and wisdom in ancient Persia and ancient Greece, and see which culture and people consider a higher and higher place for the wisdom and thought of mankind.
Keywords: Wisdom, Religion, Ancient Iran, Greece, Aura Mazda.

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How to Cite


Dr. Sohrab Bargivand and Dr. Mohammad Reza Afroogh. (2019-02-07). "A Cross-Cultural Study on the Dignity of 'Wisdom' In Ancient Persia and Greece." *Volume 3*, 1, 23-28