Religious Fundamentalism and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Understanding the Intricacies

Author Details

Okpa, J. Thompson, Benjamin Okorie Ajah,Okunola, Rasidi Akanji

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Published: 10 May 2018 | Article Type :


Religious fundamentalism and sustainable development are inextricably linked. The understanding of these linkages is important, in order to correct public misconceptions as well as reveal the inherent power(s) in religious fundamentalism that are development driven. Fundamentalism is essentially about conformity; it fosters unity and abhors distinction. It draws its power(s) from its ability to provoke change in the minds of adherence to any particular belief system. With the high rate of corruption in governance and the failure of government institutions to provide the human good to its citizens, strict adherence to the tenets of the various religious beliefs could help in addressing this problem. This paper evaluates the intricacies surrounding religious fundamentalism and its place in bringing about sustainable development in Nigeria. Functionalism theory was adopted. Indeed, it has often been reiterated that if Nigerians live by the ethics and doctrines of their various religious groups, several societal problems would be averted and a holistic sustainable development would be a reality. The paper suggested that religious groups across the country should encourage obedience and compliance to the tenets of their various belief systemsKeywords: Sumer; Memphis; Kôngo; cosmology; religion; theology; natural theology.

Keywords: religious, fundamentalism, sustainable development, understanding, intricacies.

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How to Cite


Okpa, J. Thompson, Benjamin Okorie Ajah,Okunola, Rasidi Akanji. (2018-05-10). "Religious Fundamentalism and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Understanding the Intricacies." *Volume 2*, 2, 12-18