Music, Musical Semiology, Musicology: Contribution of the Philosophy of Complexity and Musical Heuristics
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Published: 27 March 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
My contribution postulates the need to include Edgar Morin's principles of philosophy and complexity as additions to musical semiology and musicology so as to be able to tackle analyses basing oneself on a polysemic attitude that is most likely to convey all the riches of the musical phenomenon especially regarding its fluidity and dynamics. The first part of the article aims at approaching Jean-Jacques Nattiez's musical semiology as well as the analyses that stem from it. The second part attempts to make the notion of musical work intelligible as its systematic complexity is examined while the difference between the score and the work is defined. The re-structuring of a work that is made possible by musical heuristics gives way to an "embodied" approach of reference pieces thus giving Nattiez's analyses the follow-up that is necessary for them to come to fruition. The last part of my communication attempts a musicological implementation of the three underlying principles of the philosophy of complexity.
Keywords: Music, musicology, semiology, complexity, heuristics.

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How to Cite
Mandolini Ricardo. (2020-03-27). "Music, Musical Semiology, Musicology: Contribution of the Philosophy of Complexity and Musical Heuristics." *Volume 3*, 1, 16-24