Methods of Teaching English Language in the Educational Process of Public Administration Personnel

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Lebyedyeva N. A

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Published: 19 May 2020 | Article Type :


The problem of adapting the Ukrainian legal system to the law of the European Union makes it necessary for civil servants to speak at least one foreign language. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and citizens and officials of the European Union are fluent in it. Consequently, the relevance of teaching a foreign language requires special attention from the scientists, since Ukrainian universities train specialists who, after receiving their education, work in executive bodies, local government, in public organizations, and, therefore, are able to provide a high level of provision of administrative services on the principles of openness, accountability, professionalism, which, in turn, requires the involvement of European legal documents and sources in order to improve the modern domestic legal system. The Main aim of this article is a theoretical formation of the organizational and methodological foundations of the professional education for the state services using modern educational methods for Business English. Methods and Materials: During the practical classes for the future civil servants and public managers in agriculture at the Agrarian University the author of the article used such methods as: a descriptive one, a structural analysis method and an empirical study, consisting in viewing and selecting competitive works. Conclusion: Having analyzed modern scientific sources, the author of the article can conclude that the effective study of the English language by specialists of public and state administration requires the principle of a communicative orientation and approach, and is also an effective professional development of personnel. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that preparedness for communication, especially psychological preparedness, together with awareness, occurs precisely in the format of training with a teacher: in cooperation, role-playing games, and so on.

Keywords: Educational, process, public, state, Administration, methods, reading, foreign language.

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How to Cite


Lebyedyeva N. A. (2020-05-19). "Methods of Teaching English Language in the Educational Process of Public Administration Personnel." *Volume 4*, 2, 12-18