Soft Skills Assessment: Exploring Lecturers Practices using Rubrics in Teacher Training Institute (IPG)
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Published: 10 June 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Soft Skills (SS) are the generic skills that every individual needs as a prerequisite for the ever increasing complexity of everyday life. In line with current transition, the education system has also changed to ensure that graduates from the Institute of Higher Education are not just knowledgeable but also competent in soft skills. This study is a preliminary survey to see how far the lecturers in Teacher Training Institute practised the soft skills assessment according to the rubric criteria proposed. This study employed a survey method. The type of survey in this study was cross-sectional and the method used was a mixed method. Instruments used were close-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Data from the questionnaire in this study was analyzed descriptively using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS Version 20.0) while the participants’ response from the interview were videotaped and were later transcribed and thematically analyzed. Quantitative data indicated the practices of lecturers in rubric usage during the soft skills assessment was at moderate level (mean = 3.166). The result of the interviewhas yielded three resulting themesnamely, the method of assessment, the method to ensure the scoring reliability and problems during assessment. This findings has providedevidence to strengthen the validity and reliability of the lecturers scoring practice.
Keywords: practice, soft skills assessment, rubrics, validity, reliability.

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How to Cite
Rusmawatibinti Othman, Mohd. Isha Bin Awang. (2019-06-10). "Soft Skills Assessment: Exploring Lecturers Practices using Rubrics in Teacher Training Institute (IPG)." *Volume 3*, 2, 50-58