Review of “The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief” by Gregg Braden
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Published: 15 May 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The review below presents a synopsis of the content, style and merit of the book on “The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief” by Gregg Braden (Braden, G., 2007).The book presents a mix of science, spirituality and miracles. This Mind is the matrix of all matter and all communication with this field of energy happens through emotion. Recent discoveries purport the reality of Planck’s matrix, The Divine Matrix 2007, which is supposed to bridge imagination and reality in line with people’s beliefs. In the book, Braden refers to the universal field of energy that the father of quantum theory, Max Planck, describes as a field that connects everything. The book highlights 20 keys within the 4 main points that are meant to empower the reader to feel a stronger sense of control of being an Clive participant in life rather than a victim of life’s whims. It is argued that The Divine Matrix is our world, and that it is also everything in our world. The human body offers us a beautiful simple example of a hologram. The power of this matrix in our lives is unleashed by an understanding of the matrix and speaking the language thereof. According to Braden, active participants create their own reality. This book is marriage among positive psychology, quantum physics and spirituality. Lessons from experiments in quantum physics suggest that the very act of observation is an act of creation, and that consciousness is doing the creating. This approach is particularly of great significance in sustainable development and global development in the developing countries.

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How to Cite
Gabriel Kabanda. (2019-05-15). "Review of “The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief” by Gregg Braden." *Volume 3*, 2, 24-30