Of Love

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Dibakar Pal

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Published: 18 April 2019 | Article Type :


Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for a person of the opposite sex. It is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child or friend. It is sexual passion or desire, or its gratification. Everyone loves. Everyone gets involved in love affair quite in his unaware. Fish cannot live without water. A living being cannot live without air. Similarly man cannot live without love. Man loves. He has to love. He is bound to love. Thus man willy-nilly loves. Man loves and faces love infinite times from cradle to grave. Then who is a lover? The reply is he who loves is a lover. But a fiancée thinks in a different way. She contends that he who laughs is a lover. Thus love is omnipresent either open or in disguise. They say no politics is also a politics. Similarly, no love is also a love, no style is also a style, no statistics is also a statistics, nothingness implies an existence beyond perception, etc. Love is exposed or expressed or manifested in different forms and features having various degrees and dimensions as well. A wise is guided by motion. A fool is guided by emotion. Emotion has no base thereby no brake at all. As such a fool loves. No risk, no gain implies high risk high gain. A wise wants to love without taking any kind of risk which is next to impossible. So a wise cannot love. He remains unloved. Thus a wise is derived from the tender touch of the warm affectionate lover. A fool is happy with mundane love. A wise is happy with Platonic love. A sacred soul is happy with divine love. The proverb goes many men many minds. Thus all roads lead to Rome.

Keywords: Love, lover, emotion, passion.

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How to Cite


Dibakar Pal. (2019-04-18). "Of Love." *Volume 3*, 2, 3-7