An Analysis of Attitudes in the Teaching and Learning of "A" Level Chishona Grammar: A Case of "A" Level Schools in the Chirumanzu District of Zimbabwe
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Published: 20 February 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The teaching and learning of “A” Level ChiShona grammar has been met with mixed feelings. This paper investigates the attitudes of Zimbabwean teachers and students towards the teaching and learning of ChiShona grammar at Advanced level („A‟ level). The paper also attempts to discover the attendant impact these attitudes have on the conceptualization of the ChiShona grammar component. Research findings indicate widespread negative attitudes from teachers, students and even administrators towards the teaching and learning of ChiShona grammar. The writers are going to focus on findings of a research conducted on five secondary schools in Chirumhanzu District which teach “A” Level ChiShona grammar. Tables, graphs and pie charts are going to be used to present the findings gathered on the five secondary schools. Prominent scholars view the teaching and learning of “A” Level ChiShona grammar as an easy task which should not deter students and teachers. Nyota (2012) and Chimhundu and Chabata (2007) are some of the renowned scholars who regard the teaching and learning of “A” Level ChiShona grammar as a mundane task which should not be mistaken as something laborious and a mammoth task. The study recommends the need to change people‟s mindsets and attitudes towards the conceptualization of the grammar component in learning language.

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How to Cite
Dr. Mazuruse Mickson, Munyangana Richard M. (2019-02-20). "An Analysis of Attitudes in the Teaching and Learning of "A" Level Chishona Grammar: A Case of "A" Level Schools in the Chirumanzu District of Zimbabwe." *Volume 3*, 1, 11-18