The Effectiveness Use of Mind Maps in Learning 4th years History Textbooks
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Published: 12 October 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The Mind Map is an expression of radiant Thinking, the associative thought processes that proceed from or connect to a central point, and is therefore a natural function of the human mind. It is a powerful graphic technique that can be applied to improve learning and clearer thinking (Buzan, T. & Buzan, 1993). Mind map is an effective and meaningful teaching and learning tool. The mind map attracts and enhances students' understanding of concepts, information, facts and others. This study aims to examine the effects of using mind map on History subjects for 4th grade students at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seafield, Subang Jaya, Selangor. Mind maps can be used as self-learning methods that facilitate understanding of difficult concepts. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of teaching methods based on the use of Visual Mind Map in teaching and learning history of the 4th year. The teaching method used is believed to help students to understand the subject in detail. With that we create a visual mind map book to complement the understanding of textbooks and have been distributed to students in primary schools. A total of 20 students from primary school in Subang Jaya, Selangor were taken as a sample of the study. Students will fill in the form and answer questions designed to assess the effectiveness of visual mind map books. This study will also examine the effectiveness of the visual minded map for learning experiences. At the end of the study, students can not only enhance the understanding of the topics taught, but also to use the newly acquired knowledge of cooperative learning to solve problems with greater confidence. Overall, visual mind map contributes to improving student achievement in history subjects.
Keywords: Visual Mind Maps, History Subject, Primary School Students, History textbook.

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How to Cite
Sabariah bte Idris, Norfadilah bte Kamaruddin. (2018-10-12). "The Effectiveness Use of Mind Maps in Learning 4th years History Textbooks." *Volume 2*, 4, 6-14