Results of the optional subject "Physics of biological systems"
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Published: 25 May 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
This paper presents the implementation of the subject "Physics of biological systems, from the optional subject for students of the Bachelor of Physics, which shows different aspects of the method of acquisition of scientific knowledge; as well as the preparation of it for a postgraduate course. On the other hand, the concepts and laws of physics are widely used in the field of health, which has motivated the emergence of new areas of knowledge such as Biophysics, Medical Physics, Neurophysics, Bioengineering, Genetics and Biotechnology, among others. For the above reasons, the authors set ourselves the objective of introducing the proposal of an alternative for the development of the subject proposed in the Bachelor's Degree in Physics from a biophysical approach, since it provides increasingly developed visions of scientifictechnological activity, that it is necessary to incorporate in the teaching-learning process of Physics. The subject has already been taught in two semesters to physics students with great acceptance and interest.
Keywords: teaching, scientific knowledge, biological systems.

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How to Cite
Y. Mengana Torres, L. Rodriguez Landrove, R. Miller Clemente. (2018-05-25). "Results of the optional subject "Physics of biological systems"." *Volume 2*, 2, 21-24