Linguistic Planification and Legislation. Study of its Principal Aspects and Research Tools

Author Details

Andres Montaner Bueno, Ana Montaner Bueno

Journal Details


Published: 17 April 2017 | Article Type :


In this article we try to carry out, in its first part, a research in which we analyze why certain languages acquire preponderance over others. We have come to the conclusion that, in part, it is due to the kind of language policy that is followed in different countries. Thus, it is quite common that the languages that acquire a certain preponderance over others, is because they do not limit the use of the same to the exclusively national scope. On the contrary, they are open to all kinds of people, from all breeds, may have the opportunity to communicate with the inhabitants of the country where the language is native. This also generates that people of different races and backgrounds use the language of the country in which they live.

In the second part of the article, we carry out a study of the type of language policy that is accomplished in Spain. The Constitution of 1978 establishes that Castilian is the official language of the State, but in certain Autonomous Communities the use of other type of dialect from Latin is also validated. At the international level, we have come to the conclusion that a good policy has been followed, since they have gradually accepted the changes that, the use of the same language, have been occurring in different parts of the world, taking into account the variants that have been produced in the language, mainly by being spoken in the countries of Central and South America.

Keywords: language, culture, identity, speakers, multilingualism.

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How to Cite


Andres Montaner Bueno, Ana Montaner Bueno. (2017-04-17). "Linguistic Planification and Legislation. Study of its Principal Aspects and Research Tools." *Volume 1*, 2, 1-8