Famous People and their Pet Animals

Author Details

M Ashraful Kabir

Journal Details


Published: 24 July 2018 | Article Type :


Human-Animal relation is prehistoric. From the dawn of human civilization lots of animals were always attached with their daily activities. Struggle with the animals and by seeing animals’ activities like running, hunting, capturing, flying, patrolling, and escaping from their predators all were our natural knowledge from them. We have huge connecting links of previous animals. In most cases dog and pigeon are seen in history. Dog was first domestic animal and people used them for their protection. For nice colour, message sending, and availability pigeon were very common and its flying was a great amusement in most countries. We should know the animal rights for their living well in this world.

Keywords: Famous people; Animal lover; Pets.

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How to Cite


M Ashraful Kabir. (2018-07-24). "Famous People and their Pet Animals." *Volume 2*, 3, 9-10