Evaluation of Larvicidal and Ovicidal Effects of Mundulea Sericea in the Control of Culex Quinquefasciatus)
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Published: 2 March 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Crude extract of M. sericea from Coastal region and Western Kenya were applied in 100 mls cups with thirty 3rd instar larvae in three replicates in the laboratory and compared with alpha cypermethrine and untreated. Samples with higher efficacy were further tested in five semi field and field conditions. There was high significant larval and pupal mortality in semi fields (F (290,314) =2.58, p = 0.0378) and field (F (285, 309) =8.20, p=0.0000). There was also statistical significance in mortality among various instars of larvae and pupa (F (290,314) =2.77, p = 0.0276). However in semi-field, there was no significant mortality on larval instars and pupa (F (290,314) =1.37, p = 0.1561). No eggs hatched at 0.126g concentration of alpha cypermethrine. Coast samples had a higher efficacy of 0.28g/100mls of water compared to 0.5g of the sample from Western Kenya. In both Semi field and field habitats, double LC90 was more effective than any other M. sericea concentrations. At 0.3g of crude extract from Coast sample completely hindered hatchability of C. quinquefasciatus eggs both in the laboratory and semi field treatment (t (26) = 3.0987, p=0.0046). Coast and Western samples of M. sericea crude extracts can be used as a biological larvicides and ovicides to control C. quinquefasciatus.
Keywords: Mundulea Service, Culex Quinquefasciatus, Alpha Cypermethrin, Ovicidal, Larvicidal.

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How to Cite
Mwangemi A. Mwanjulu, Joseph J.N. Ngeranwa, Marion Burugu, Bernard O. Osero and Christopher O. Anjili. (2018-03-02). "Evaluation of Larvicidal and Ovicidal Effects of Mundulea Sericea in the Control of Culex Quinquefasciatus)." *Volume 2*, 1, 21-28