A Systematic Review Study on the Effect of Multimedia Training on Self-Care Behaviors and Quality of Life in Diabetic Patients

Author Details

Mostafa Madmoli, Mohaddeseh Izadi, Mahboobeh Khodadadi, Fahimeh Papi Ahmadi,Marzieh Abbaszade Aliabad

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Published: 15 April 2019 | Article Type :


Introduction: Type 2 diabetes is a disorder of glucose metabolism by decreasing the production of insulin and its consumption by tissues and thus increasing blood glucose levels. that is a major global health problem. In this study, we plan to measure the effect of education on self-care behaviors in diabetic patients by systematic review. Therefore, this systematic review study aimed to investigate the effect of multimedia training on self-care behaviors and quality of life in diabetic patients.

Materials and Methods: In this systematic review, we examined ten articles which was related to the effect of multimedia training on self-care behaviors and quality of life in diabetic patients. The criteria for entry of articles, including studies published in Persian and in English, could be accessed to their full text, published over the past 25 years, and studies on the impact of multimedia education on self-care behaviors and quality of life in diabetic patients. Exit criteria include unnamed, unannounced, and non-scientific studies as well as articles that lacked the full text of the article. 

Results: In this study we examined ten articles about the effect of multimedia training on self-care behaviors and quality of life in diabetic patients. In one of these studies, the mean of self-care of patients before intervention (3 months’ self-care e-learning) was 24.98% in the experimental group and 21.12% in the control group, after intervention, the control group was 28.82% and in the control group it was 20.02%. According to this study, there was a significant difference between the mean of self-care scores before and after 3 months of education. 

Conclusion: According to the studies, it can be concluded that e-learning on self-care in diabetic patients has a positive effect on the control of the disease. So that the average self-care score of individuals is improving. Lifestyle modification through e-learning also improves self-management of patients with diabetes. Therefore, planning for patients with diabetes at a wider level and other chronic patients is recommended. In general, the results of the researches confirmed the positive effect of educational programs and self-care on patients' quality of life. Therefore, designing and implementing self-care educational programs based on the educational needs of patients with long follow-up is recommended. 

Keywords: Multimedia education, Self-care behaviors, Quality of life, Diabetic patients.

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Mostafa Madmoli, Mohaddeseh Izadi, Mahboobeh Khodadadi, Fahimeh Papi Ahmadi,Marzieh Abbaszade Aliabad. (2019-04-15). "A Systematic Review Study on the Effect of Multimedia Training on Self-Care Behaviors and Quality of Life in Diabetic Patients." *Volume 3*, 2, 1-6