The co-evaluation of endosalpingeal edema and oviductal congestion after the erythropoietin effect on fallopian ischemia reperfusion injury

Author Details

C. Τsompos, C. Panoulis, K.Tοutouzas, A.Triantafyllou, CG.Zografos,A. Papalois

Journal Details


Published: 17 April 2018 | Article Type :


Aim: This study co-evaluated the 2 quoted histologic variables after the cytokine erythropoietin (Epo) administration. The calculation was based on the results of 2 preliminary studies, each one evaluating a respective histologic variable of endosalpingeal edema (EE) or oviductal congestion (OC) in an induced ischemia reperfusion (IR) animal experiment. Materials and methods: The 2 main experimental endpoints at which the EE and OC scores were evaluated, were the reperfusion 60th min (for A & C groups) and the reperfusion 120th min (for B & D groups). Specially, the groups A and B were processed without drugs, whereas the groups C and D after Epo administration. Results: The first preliminary study showed that Epo non significantly inflated the EE scores by the grade “without lesions” 0.1818182 [-.0111079 - 0.3747442] (p-value=0.0640). The second preliminary study showed that Epo non significantly deflated the OC scores by the grade “without lesions” 0.1090909 [- 0.3078424 - 0.0896606] (p-value=0.2735). Both studies were co-estimated since they belong to the same experimental setting. This study co-evaluated the combined diagnostic values of both variables together. Conclusions: Epo hardly non significantly inflated both scores for these histologic parameters at the grade of “without lesions” 0.0363636 [-0.1017439 - 0.1744712] (p-value=0.5971) since they were co-evaluated together.

Keywords: ischemia, erythropoietin, endosalpingeal edema, oviductal congestion, reperfusion.

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C. Τsompos, C. Panoulis, K.Tοutouzas, A.Triantafyllou, CG.Zografos,A. Papalois. (2018-04-17). "The co-evaluation of endosalpingeal edema and oviductal congestion after the erythropoietin effect on fallopian ischemia reperfusion injury." *Volume 2*, 2, 6-10