Analysis of Thyroglobulin Gene in Some Ruminants

Author Details

Dauda, A, Gwaza, D. S and DIM, N. I

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Published: 11 February 2018 | Article Type :


A total of thirteen (13) thyroglobulin nucleotide sequences comprising goats (3), sheep (5) and cattle (5) were retrieved from the GenBank (NCBI) ( where use undertake a computational molecular analysis of thyroglobulin gene in some ruminant (cattle, sheep and goat). The Genbank accession numbers of the sequences are XP_017914074, NP_001301228 and AEE69371 (goat) XP_012038919, XP_011960995, XP_011985627, XP_011980480 and XP_011976781 (sheep) NP_776308, CAA26090, XP_019829570, DAA22816 and NP_001095535 (cattle). The sequence length variation exhibited high level polymorphism. The functional analysis of cattle were performed using PROVEAN (Protein Variant Effect Analyzer) which indicated that all the amino acid substitution are beneficial, while goat and sheep amino acid substitution exhibited both harmful and beneficial which will give hope for future selection. The Tajima’s test of neutrality revealed that cattle showed negative (-ve) value which mean selection purification and positive (+ve) value signifying balance selection.The evolutionary distances were computed using the Poisson correction method. The reliability of the trees was calculated by bootstrap confidence values with 1000 bootstrap iterations using MEGA (Multiple Evolutionary Gene Analysis) 7.0 software and the result revealed that phylogenetic tree were in accordance with the wellknown evolutionary history of Bovidae subfamily speciation. This study revealed genetic information which may be relevant in selection for early sexual development, reproductive function so as to improve livestock in developing country like Nigeria.

Keywords: Thyroglobulin, Gene, Sequence, Computational and Molecular.

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How to Cite


Dauda, A, Gwaza, D. S and DIM, N. I. (2018-02-11). "Analysis of Thyroglobulin Gene in Some Ruminants." *Volume 2*, 1, 18-24