The Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Growth and Bleaching Rates of Coral Reefs

Author Details

Waheed Khalili* and Susan Khalili

Journal Details


Published: 6 May 2020 | Article Type :


Coral reefs play a vital role in the lives of many aquatic organisms and human societies through the services and resources they provide. In the last few decades, however, coral reef populations have faced substantial challenges due to various factors influenced by human populations, with one of the most notable being ocean acidification. Ocean acidification is an increase in acidity of the ocean’s surface water as a result of a higher atmospheric carbon dioxide uptake. It is often found to degrade and weaken coral skeletons due to the higher levels of acidity in the water. Though ocean acidification is well known, the extent of its influence on coral reefs and other environmental factors is relatively unknown in the scientific community. This paper primarily seeks to observe and evaluate the effect ocean acidification has on the bleaching rates and growth of coral reef populations. Furthermore, the effect of ocean acidification on the development of coral reefs will be analyzed by comparing and contrasting the effects different carbon dioxide levels have on bleaching and growth capabilities of coral reef populations.

Keywords: Coral reefs, Marine life, Pollution, Carbon dioxide, Ocean acidification

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How to Cite


Waheed Khalili* and Susan Khalili. (2020-05-06). "The Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Growth and Bleaching Rates of Coral Reefs." *Volume 4*, 2, 22-25