Archives of Ophthalmology and Optometry

ISSN: 2638-5120 DOI Prefix: 10.22259/2638-5120
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Editorial Board

Dr. Saroj Sahdev

Dr. Saroj Sahdev

Professor & Head, Department of Ophthalmology

Dr. Christopher W. Lievens

Dr. Christopher W. Lievens

Chief of Internal Clinics/Optometrist , Southern College of Optometry

Dr. Saqib A K Utman

Dr. Saqib A K Utman

Consultant Ophthalmologist , University Hospital Southampton

Dr. Italo Giuffre

Dr. Italo Giuffre

Consultant, Department of Ophthalmology, Catholic University of Rome

Dr. Thiago Goncalves dos Santos Martins

Dr. Thiago Goncalves dos Santos Martins

Department of Ophthalmology , Federal University of Sao Paulo

Dr. Cristiano Giusti

Dr. Cristiano Giusti

Assistant Chief Clinical Officer, Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Campus Bio-Medico of Rome

Dr. Mercedes Hurtado-Sarrio

Dr. Mercedes Hurtado-Sarrio

Professor & Ophthalmologist, Department of Ophthalmology, La Fe University and Politechnic Hospital

Dr. Tatsuya Mimura

Dr. Tatsuya Mimura

Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Teikyo University, School of Medicine

Dr. Pavel Rozsival

Dr. Pavel Rozsival

Consultant in Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology, Charles University,

Czech Republic
Dr. Bisant A. Labib

Dr. Bisant A. Labib

Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Salus University

Dr. Jui-Teng Lin

Dr. Jui-Teng Lin

CEO, New Vision Inc Taipei, Taiwan, Visiting Professor, HE Medical Univeristy

Dr. Mubarak Fahhad Mubarak Al-Faran

Dr. Mubarak Fahhad Mubarak Al-Faran

Professor & Senior Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Chairman of Saudi board of Ophthalmology, King Saud University and AlFaran Medical Center

Saudi Arabia
Dr. Mohammad Naderan

Dr. Mohammad Naderan

Research Associate, Department of Ophthalmology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Dr. Christophe P. Ribelayga

Dr. Christophe P. Ribelayga

Associate Professor, Ruiz Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Science, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Dr. Jia-Kang Wang

Dr. Jia-Kang Wang

Chief of Vitreoretinal Section,, Department of Ophthalmology, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taipei

Dr. Shamim Ahmad

Dr. Shamim Ahmad

Professor, Institute of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine & Aligarh Muslim University

Dr. Kishore Cholkar

Dr. Kishore Cholkar

Formulation development Scientist, CUSTOpharm, Inc., Carlsbad, CA

Dr. Kiran Turaka

Dr. Kiran Turaka

Specialist Ophthalmologist, EXIR Medical Subspecialty Center, JAHRA

Dr. Muh-Shy Chen

Dr. Muh-Shy Chen

Department of Ophthalmology,, Cardinal Tien Hospital, College of Medicine Fu-Jen Catholic University

Dr. Costas Karabatsas

Dr. Costas Karabatsas

Asst. Professor in Ophthalmology, Department of BioMedical Sciences (Optics and Optometry), University of Western Attica (UNIWA), Athens

Dr. Ghulam Mohammad

Dr. Ghulam Mohammad

Research Scientist, Department of Ophthalmology, Wayne State University, Detroit

Dr. Ubani, Udo Ahanna

Dr. Ubani, Udo Ahanna

Specialization in Binocularity, Medical Microbiology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Optometry, Abia State University

Patrick Gooi

Patrick Gooi

Glaucoma Fellowship Director , University of Calgary

Eka Rahmawati Wahyuningsih

Eka Rahmawati Wahyuningsih

Malang Eye Center
