Archives of Oncology and Cancer Therapy
Editorial Board

Dr. Jens C. Hahne
Scientist, Molecular Pathology, Institute of Cancer Research, London

Dr. Martin Perez-Santos
Scientist, Cancer Drug Design Laboratory, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla

Dr. Runlin Z. Ma
Professor and Principle Investigato, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology

Dr. Yasemin Benderli Cihan
Department of Radiation Oncology, Kayseri Education and Research Hospital

Dr. Huseyin Engin
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Oncology, Bulent Ecevit University

Dr. Sci. Hamza Mujagic
Professor, Department of Oncology, Lanssjukhus Sundsvall/Umea University

Dr. Nabil Mohie Abdel Hamid Aly
Professor of Cancer Biology, Department of Biochemistry,, Kafrelsheikh University

Dr. Ibrahim Hamdy Younos
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy, College of Medicine & Health Sciences

Dr. Jing Han
Associate Professor, Department of Mammary Surgery, Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology

Dr. Giulio Tarro
Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, Center for Biotechnology, Temple University

Dr. Zhiheng Zhou
Associate Professor, Futian Hospital for Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Disease

Dr. Norhafiza Mat Lazim
Head & Neck Surgical Oncology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Dr. Bhuvnesh K Sharma
Senior Director, R & D (Translational Oncology) , Scy Tek Laboratorties Inc

Dr. Adama LY
Senior Researcher, Department of Immuno-Oncology and Cancer Cellular Therapies, University Paris XI

Dr. Szu-Yuan Wu
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Taipei Medical University

Dr. Karinn M. Chambers
Assistant Professor, Department of of Surgery, Breast Surgical Oncology, Medical Director Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso Breast Care Center

Dr. Thangam Ramar
Researcher , Central Leather Research Institute

Dr. Tariq Rasool Malik
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Sher-i- Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences