Management Support for the Use of Information Communication Technology in Commercial Banks in Cross River State, Nigeria: Examining Its Relationship with the Productivity of Workers
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Published: 1 July 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The present study objective is to examine management support for the use of information communication technology and the productivity of workers in commercial banks in Cross River State, Nigeria. the study examined the effect the use of ICT have had on the productivity of worker in eight commercial banks in Cross river State, Nigeria. The survey design was utilized in gathering quantitative data with the use of structured questionnaire. The population of the study were staff of eight commercial banks in cross river state. The sample of the study was 400 drawn from a population of 749 staff of the selected banks. The samples were selected using the multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected from the field was analyzed hypothesis by hypothesis. Out of the 400 administered questionnaire for this study, only 331 respondents representing 82.7 percent returned questionnaire were properly filled without missing values and mutilation, therefore the said number was used for the data analysis. Results from the analysis of data revealed that there is statistical meaningful relationship between support from management for the use of ICT tools/equipment and commercial bank workers’ productivity in Cross River State, Nigeria. the study recommends amongst others that Banks should embark on more effective training for their employees especially in terms of using ICT, in order to further enhance knowledge of ICT tools and equipment to improve their performance.
Keywords: Management support, use of ICT, workers’ productivity, commercial banks.

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How to Cite
Enukoha, C. Uzoma, Angioha, P. Unim. (2019-07-01). "Management Support for the Use of Information Communication Technology in Commercial Banks in Cross River State, Nigeria: Examining Its Relationship with the Productivity of Workers." *Volume 2*, 3, 1-7