Will India Seize The opportunity for Rapid Growth?
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Published: 14 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The current exuberance and self-confidence in India as a nation-state have not been witnessed since 1947 when India became free from British colonialism. The animal spirits today are a harbinger of rapid inclusive growth, though subject to caveats. Brisk economic and societal progress for nation states is eminently possible in a democratic setting if there is more cohesion and less political obstruction, the latter often for the sake of bringing down a scrupulous government and reestablishing systemic unethical rent seeking. Energetic citizen participation for the greater good like in a salubrious democracy is transformative for progress. This paper has the objective of stirring the pot to help answer the following: a) Will India emerge soon as an economic power or miss the boat? b) Will it be growth for growth-sake or an environment-friendly carbon-neutral GNH? c) What are the internal and external threats to growth? d) Has Indian collective financial behavior changed? e) Will the nationalist fervor drive wholesome growth? JEL Classification Code: E5, E7, G4.

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How to Cite
Sudhanva Char. (2019-03-14). "Will India Seize The opportunity for Rapid Growth?." *Volume 2*, 1, 60-70