Site Suitability Study forSolid Waste Dumpsite Selection Using Geospatial-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis inYenagoa, Bayelsa StateNigeria
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Published: 18 January 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
Solid waste dumping is a major environmental problem in the Yenagoa metropolis because as the city develops, most solid wastes are not dumped in suitable areas. These give rise to the objective of this study for the selection of a suitable area for the solid waste dumpsite. The following data Analysis is Landuse/land cover, Settlement, Place, Borehole, Roads, River, Drainage, Slope, and DEM as determining factors to find an appropriate site for a solid waste dumping site. The maps were prepared by applying Multi-Criteria Analysis Methods (MCAM) using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing techniques for overlay and suitability analysis. The final suitability map was prepared by overlay analysis on Arc map and leveled as high, moderate, less suitable, and unsuitable regions of the study area were determined. The results indicate that only 1.86% of the total study area (Dark brown) is most suitable for solid waste disposal, 37.87% of the total study area (Purple) is moderately suitable, 56.10% of the total study area (Yellow) is less suitable and lastly the unsuitable area or restricted areas for solid waste disposal is 4.17% (Light green). The highly suitable locations for dumpsites are far away from any water sources and other variables put into analysis. They are located in the south-west and Northcentral of the town and are dry agricultural areas, bare land, and grass land with 0-10% slope. zones, bare land, and grassland with 0-10% inclination or slope. Consequently, the ability to utilize GIS and remote sensing innovation for the successful distinguishing of suitable solid waste dumping site will minimize the environmental risk and human health problems.
Keywords: Dumpsite, geospatial, Solid waste,multi-criteria analysis.

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How to Cite
Eteh Desmond Rowland, Francis Omonefe, Jonathan Lise Erebi. (2021-01-18). "Site Suitability Study forSolid Waste Dumpsite Selection Using Geospatial-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis inYenagoa, Bayelsa StateNigeria." *Volume 4*, 1, 1-12