Knotted Pile Rugs of 19th and Early 20th Centuries from Caucasia: A Classification of Area, Shape Ratio, Density and Knot Ratio by Statistic Part II

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Gaetano Verani

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Published: 27 August 2020 | Article Type :


Histograms are used to describe distributions of area, shape ratio, density and knot ratio of knotted pile rugs. Normalization of area and shape ratio distributions showed that area vary within (0.0-7.0) sq.m. and shape ratio within (1.0-3.4) for most Caucasian rugs. Differences were found in density and knot ratio between south-western and eastern regions. The former has density distribution within (400-1,999) knots/ and knot ratio within (0.6-0.8), the latter density distribution within (600-3,399) knots/ and knot ratio within (0.6-2.2). All histograms present a narrow interval in each distribution with the maximum number of rugs. Kazak, Gendje and Karabagh rugs have identical interval values. Daghestan, Kuba, Shirvan and Baku rugs show the same trend. Moghan and Talish rugs differ from previous groups in area and shape ratio distributions. Furthermore, Moghan rug density distribution might be due to two different typologies. Talish rugs density distribution varies within (1,200-1,399) knots/ and knot ratio within (1.0-1.2). Caucasian knotted rugs should be classified on the base of their foundation structure as: Kazak-Gendje- Karabagh and Daghestan-Kuba-Shirvan-Baku. Moghan-Talish rugs should be considered a specific group with identical area and shape ratio distributions.

Keywords: Pile rugs, Caucasia, Shape ratio, Density, Knot ratio, Kazak, Gendje, Karabagh, Moghan, Talish, Daghestan, Kuba, Shirvan, Baku.

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How to Cite


Gaetano Verani. (2020-08-27). "Knotted Pile Rugs of 19th and Early 20th Centuries from Caucasia: A Classification of Area, Shape Ratio, Density and Knot Ratio by Statistic Part II." *Volume 2*, 2, 9-19