Planning and Design Techniques of Tourism Complexes in the Process of the City's Master Planning
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Published: 6 August 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
This research paper is to analyze the planning and design techniques of the tourism complexes in the process of municipalities’ master planning. First, it explains the importance of the tourism industry with the help of theories of scholars and experts. Then, it emphasizes the link between the economic developments of cities/regions with the development of the tourism industry. The innovation of this work is to integrate tourism industry planning and comprehensive regional/ urban planning. The main way of doing this is to plan and design the tourism complexes in the early stages of the master planning of the municipality. Urban land-use policies and locating techniques are suggested through this research. Land-use policies and new urban design models for the regional/urban sustainable development are some of the other handouts in this paper. The outcome of this research is good assistance for engineers, planners, and students of urban and regional development.
Keywords: Urban planning; land use policy; tourism planning; urban management; tourism complex; master planning.

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How to Cite
Abdol Aziz Shahraki. (2020-08-06). "Planning and Design Techniques of Tourism Complexes in the Process of the City's Master Planning." *Volume 3*, 2, 15-29