Smoking Cessation and Level of Quitting Among Smokers

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Sara B Reader, Vijayalakshmi Ethiraj

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Published: 4 October 2018 | Article Type :


An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of smoking cessation measure in terms of level of quitting, among smokers admitted in Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital, Chidambaram. The quantitative research approach - A Pre-experimental one group pretest – posttest designwas adopted and conducted at Rajah Muthiah Medical College Hospital among 55 samples, Chidambaram. The target population were the patients who had the habit of smoking. Smokers, aged 20 years and above, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were the subjects selected for the study. Simple random sample technique was used in selecting samples from the smokers admitted in medical, surgical, and orthopeadic wards.After assessing their smoking behaviour, the participants were advised to quit smoking. Self instructional module focusing on smoking cessation was briefed and handed over to them. For Phase II, 6 participants from Phase I came for follow up. After making the decision to quit, on that day, 1st month, 3rd month, and 6th month later, they were followed up.Each visit took about 45 minutes to discuss regarding the quit attempt and to collect data to validate their quit attempt.The statistical tests, both descriptive and inferential, were used for analyzing the data. The One way ANOVA repeated measure revealed that clinical intervention is effective as improvement in the self efficacy to resist temptation to smoke during overall situation was achieved and the finding was found to be statistically significant at p <0.001.The study results revealed that the level of temptation showed extreme temptation to smoke due to various situations. Most of the subjects were in contemplation and preparation stage of readiness to quit.

Keywords: Smoking Cessation Measures, level of quitting smoking, Interventions.

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How to Cite


Sara B Reader, Vijayalakshmi Ethiraj. (2018-10-04). "Smoking Cessation and Level of Quitting Among Smokers." *Volume 1*, 2, 4-9