Comparative Growth Performance and Survival Of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus ) Fed With Artemia and Acartia Live Feeds

Author Details

Ukwe, O.I.K, Edun, O.M and Akinrotimi, O.A

Journal Details


Published: 22 August 2018 | Article Type :


The comparative growth performance and survival in Clarias gariepinus fed with Acartia tonsa and Artemia was carried out. Two hundred forty-eight hours old larvae were fed with these live feeds for three weeks. The fish were assessed for growth performance and survival on weekly basis. The result obtained indicated that the final length, specific growth rate and survival were higher in fish fed with Acartia than the one fed with Artemia. However, notable increase in final weight and condition factor was observed in the fish fed with Artemia at the end of the experimental period. An indication that Acartia tonsa can serve as a starter feed for C.gariepinus larvae.

Key words: Aquaculture, Live feeds, Acartia tonsa, Artemia , Clarias gariepinus.

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How to Cite


Ukwe, O.I.K, Edun, O.M and Akinrotimi, O.A. (2018-08-22). "Comparative Growth Performance and Survival Of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus ) Fed With Artemia and Acartia Live Feeds." *Volume 1*, 3, 24-28